Coal Preparation Plant Assessment and Design
Miltech’s expertise and experience in the area of coal preparation includes the key unit operations needed to transform a raw coal (reserve) into a marketable product.
Examples of the operations included in these coal preparation systems are:
- Raw coal analyses such as coal washability with coal quality on coal sizes and specific gravity fractions to be used as a basis for coal preparation system design.
- Material handling and blending of raw and clean coal.
- Preparation plant circuit design including sizing of all plant unit operations and water systems.
- Refuse handling and disposal.
Miltech has successfully evaluated and designed these coal preparation systems for our clients by providing the following services:
- Analytical services such as coal sampling and analyses, coal size and washability studies and bias testing of sampling systems.
- Coal preparation plant efficiency.
- Preparation plant systems design and assessment of existing systems.
- Materials handling systems assessment and design.
- Coal preparation plant system trouble shooting.
- Design and permitting of refuse handling and disposal systems.
Miltech's coal preparation system expertise combined with our expertise in coal reserve assessments and mining systems design and assessments provides our clients with a complete line of services needed to assess or design all of the systems involved in transforming a coal reserve into a saleable product.